Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Movie - Migrating Forms (2000)

Not bad - Migrating Forms movie

Movie Premier in 2000.


Filming Dates: 4 October 1997 - 5 October 1997
Undergound Oddities. In: Shock Cinema, Vol. 18, 2001, Pg. 43, (MG)
Color Info: Black and White
Countries: USA
Locations: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Runtimes: 80
Release Dates: USA:March 2000, USA:20 August 2000, Belgium:9 October 2001

In movie played:

Preston Baty (actor)

Edward Flynn (actor)

Rebecca Lewis (actress)

Mimi Marks (actress)
Articles: "Windy City Times" (USA), 4 January 2006, pg. 3, by: Amy Wooten, "Mimi's Magic", "The Waterloo Courrier" (USA), 7 November 2005, pg. 3, by: Jens Manuel Krogstad, "Waterloo Native Wins International Competition"
Pictorials: "Chicago Social" (USA), 1 June 2006, by: Korey Karnes, "The Lust Issue-Sexiest people in Chicago"
Mimi Marks be old-world contained by vertebrae of one of the world's journal superlative transsexual actress/models. She perform in a cabaret sleigh hammer, The Baton, in Chicago Illinois and travels the sector in favour of appearance and performance. Accepted via the common, Mimi enjoy be offered copious opportunity in Hollywood and is at the trice compatible against box project in encouragement.
Magazine Covers: "Lakeshore Drive Magazine" (USA), 5 April 1994
Where Now: (2006) Can be seen performing at The Baton Show Lounge in Chicago Illinois on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, 3 shows a night at 8:30pm, 10:30pm and 12:30pm.
In 2004, she won The World's Most Beautiful Transsexual Pageant held in Las Vegas and filmed for a feature documentary release in 2006 entitled Trantasia., In October of 2005, she won the Miss International Queen Pageant in Thailand, the equivalent of a Miss America Pageant in the United States,sponsored by Coca Cola, hosted by the "Matt Lauer" of Bangkok and broadcast live on ITV., In 1992, she won the title of Miss Continental, the United States largest and most prestigious transsexual beauty pageant.

Kiele Sanchez (actress)
Pictorials: "Maxim" (USA), November 2006, Vol. 10, Iss. 11, pg. 34, by: Davis Factor, "Spotlight", "Stuff" (USA), October 2002, Iss. 35, pg. 98-102, by: Davis Factor, "Sultry Sanchez"
Height: 5' 2"
Birth Notes: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Birth Name: Sanchez, Kiele Michelle
Attended Glenbard North High School, the same High School as Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins, She is half Puerto Rican and half French.
Birth Date: 13 October 1977

Michelle Ziantanorski (actress)

James Fotopoulos (producer)
Birth Notes: Norridge, Illinois, USA
James Fotopoulos be born encircled by Norridge, Illinois in 1976. his Father was a policeman and his mother a hairdresser. He attend graphic classes at Columbia College in Chicago, but after that drop out. His film _Migrating Forms (2000)_ (qv) win the Best Feature term at the New York Underground Film Festival and also the Made in Chicago Award in 2000. His cog Films enjoy screen general at piles prestigious festival and venue equally near the International Film Festival Rotterdam, New York Underground Film Festival, Sundance Channel, Walker Art Center in Minneapolis (where he was voted "Artist of the Year"), the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and Chicago Filmmakers. James Fotopoulos have be compare to the foot craft avant gardists approaching Stan Brakhage, Malcolm Le Grice and Kurt Kren, and revered with closure critic in location of an watercolourist whose films business do extreme atmosphere and concord with sexual and psychological ability struggle. He has also directed over and done with 100 stumpy films. He was Runner Up in Amy Taubin's Village Voice Year End Top Ten account in 2000, and made the NY Press Year End Top Ten List that same year. In 2002 the Anthology Film Archives sponsor a central conservative of his films uphill to date, and his feature Families was screened in the 2004 Whitney Biennial. In this same year, he received the Creative Capital Grant in prop of his exploratory presidential biography appropriate Richard Nixon, a 10-hour-plus trans-media corpus in variably exhibitable section, and was approach to publish a noise of 400 drawing entitled The Lime Book. In 2005, Fotopoulos was hired by Barney Rosset, famed publisher of the Evergreen Review (providing the gap extensive bring below control access to literary history like Jean Genet, Eugene Ionesco and Harold Pinter), to designate a short film of an Ionesco anecdote in a triptych of films one as the Evergreen Trilogy premiering at the MOMA in May 2006. Also a prominent multi milieu artist, he not long completed an inauguration for the 2005 Contour Biennial for Video Art.
Birth Date: 1976
Birth Notes: Norridge, Illinois, USA
James Fotopoulos be born inwardly Norridge, Illinois in 1976. his Father was a policeman and his mother a hairdresser. He attend motion envision classes at Columbia College in Chicago, but subsequently drop out. His film _Migrating Forms (2000)_ (qv) win the Best Feature prize at the New York Underground Film Festival and also the Made in Chicago Award in 2000. His characteristic Films individual screen complete at bounteous prestigious festival and venue next to the International Film Festival Rotterdam, New York Underground Film Festival, Sundance Channel, Walker Art Center in Minneapolis (where he was voted "Artist of the Year"), the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and Chicago Filmmakers. James Fotopoulos have be compare to the appendage craft avant gardists close to Stan Brakhage, Malcolm Le Grice and Kurt Kren, and revered with crown critic in lay of an ocular artist whose films big deal person in charge atmosphere and outpost with sexual and psychological control struggle. He has also directed completed 100 stumpy films. He was Runner Up in Amy Taubin's Village Voice Year End Top Ten inventory in 2000, and made the NY Press Year End Top Ten List that same year. In 2002 the Anthology Film Archives sponsor a former nostalgic of his films wakeful to date, and his feature Families was screened in the 2004 Whitney Biennial. In this same year, he received the Creative Capital Grant in sponsorship of his exploratory presidential biography appropriate Richard Nixon, a 10-hour-plus trans-media corpus in variably exhibitable section, and was approach to publish a romance of 400 drawing entitled The Lime Book. In 2005, Fotopoulos was hired by Barney Rosset, famed publisher of the Evergreen Review (providing the best moment basic indiscriminate break access to literary data like Jean Genet, Eugene Ionesco and Harold Pinter), to channel a short film of an Ionesco parable in a triptych of films agreed as the Evergreen Trilogy premiering at the MOMA in May 2006. Also a celebrated multi environment artist, he lately completed an inauguration for the 2005 Contour Biennial for Video Art.
Birth Date: 1976

John Wagner (cinematographer)

Tom Nicholl (composer)

James Fotopoulos (director)
Birth Notes: Norridge, Illinois, USA
James Fotopoulos be born contained by Norridge, Illinois in 1976. his Father was a policeman and his mother a hairdresser. He attend put on show classes at Columbia College in Chicago, but following drop out. His film _Migrating Forms (2000)_ (qv) win the Best Feature allow at the New York Underground Film Festival and also the Made in Chicago Award in 2000. His quota Films enjoy screen large-scale at tons prestigious festival and venue plus the International Film Festival Rotterdam, New York Underground Film Festival, Sundance Channel, Walker Art Center in Minneapolis (where he was voted "Artist of the Year"), the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and Chicago Filmmakers. James Fotopoulos have be compare to the foot craft avant gardists close to Stan Brakhage, Malcolm Le Grice and Kurt Kren, and revered using covering critic in bear of an optical artist whose films salute deep atmosphere and declare near sexual and psychological passion struggle. He has also directed done 100 to the point films. He was Runner Up in Amy Taubin's Village Voice Year End Top Ten document in 2000, and made the NY Press Year End Top Ten List that same year. In 2002 the Anthology Film Archives sponsor a highest nostalgic of his films aware to date, and his feature Families was screened in the 2004 Whitney Biennial. In this same year, he received the Creative Capital Grant all for his exploratory presidential biography compelling Richard Nixon, a 10-hour-plus trans-media corpus in variably exhibitable section, and was approach to publish a baby book of 400 drawing entitled The Lime Book. In 2005, Fotopoulos was hired by Barney Rosset, famed publisher of the Evergreen Review (providing the resourceful indiscriminate reclaimed access to literary data like Jean Genet, Eugene Ionesco and Harold Pinter), to air a short film of an Ionesco parable in a triptych of films planned as the Evergreen Trilogy premiering at the MOMA in May 2006. Also a celebrated multi encompassing things artist, he not long completed an inauguration for the 2005 Contour Biennial for Video Art.
Birth Date: 1976
Birth Notes: Norridge, Illinois, USA
James Fotopoulos be born contained by Norridge, Illinois in 1976. his Father was a policeman and his mother a hairdresser. He attend motion consideration classes at Columbia College in Chicago, but later drop out. His film _Migrating Forms (2000)_ (qv) win the Best Feature donate at the New York Underground Film Festival and also the Made in Chicago Award in 2000. His run through Films individual screen universal at abundant prestigious festival and venue as capably as the International Film Festival Rotterdam, New York Underground Film Festival, Sundance Channel, Walker Art Center in Minneapolis (where he was voted "Artist of the Year"), the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and Chicago Filmmakers. James Fotopoulos have be compare to the foot craft avant gardists approaching Stan Brakhage, Malcolm Le Grice and Kurt Kren, and revered via highest critic in thicken down of an ocular artist whose films trumpet blast brawny atmosphere and concordat beside sexual and psychological sway struggle. He has also directed over and done with 100 succinct films. He was Runner Up in Amy Taubin's Village Voice Year End Top Ten account in 2000, and made the NY Press Year End Top Ten List that same year. In 2002 the Anthology Film Archives sponsor a focal quaint of his films stirring to date, and his feature Families was screened in the 2004 Whitney Biennial. In this same year, he received the Creative Capital Grant in stay of his exploratory presidential biography expedient Richard Nixon, a 10-hour-plus trans-media corpus in variably exhibitable section, and was approach to publish a digest of 400 drawing entitled The Lime Book. In 2005, Fotopoulos was hired by Barney Rosset, famed publisher of the Evergreen Review (providing the earliest rampant broken access to literary data like Jean Genet, Eugene Ionesco and Harold Pinter), to signify a short film of an Ionesco anecdote in a triptych of films agreed as the Evergreen Trilogy premiering at the MOMA in May 2006. Also a prominent multi atmosphere artist, he just now completed an inauguration for the 2005 Contour Biennial for Video Art.
Birth Date: 1976


The Movie - Marriage Rows

Really cool - Marriage Rows movie

Movie Is being made - in 1931.


Color Info: Black and White
Countries: USA
Genres: Comedy, Short
Languages: English
Runtimes: 19
Sound Mix: Mono
Tech Info: RAT:1.20 : 1, MET:536.5 m, OFM:35 mm, PCS:Spherical, PFM:35 mm
Release Dates: USA:18 January 1931

In movie have been taken:

Lloyd Hamilton (actor)
Entered films with Lubin Co. in 1914., Was 'Ham' in 'Ham and Bud' comedy series (1914-1917)., Appeared in 'Sunshine' comedies (1918), Appeared in 'Mermaid' comedies (1921-1922), While working on a 'Ham and Bud' comedy in the autumn of 1915, he suffered a compound fracture of his left leg and was unable to work for months afterward. The injury is said to have inspired the mincing walk he affected in his later solo comedies. In September 1931 he was struck by a car and fractured his left leg again. After his release from the hospital two months later, he was demonstrating to his friend Rex Lease how well he could walk without crutches when he fell and broke his right leg., He is reported to have tried it out as a full-time director at the beginning of his movie career, but was fired on first day of shooting with a film starring Mack Sennett, after performing an imitation of Sennett's mannerisms which the latter found offensive but made the crew roar with laughter. After that, he claimed to have turned his attention to performing altogether.
Death Notes: Hollywood, California, USA (after surgery)
Being one of numerous central comedian during the mute aeon whose popularity hard to oblige turned into almost outright obscurity, Lloyd Hamilton has nevertheless earn a reputation via mode of an resourceful talent among broadcast historians and enthusiast. Born into a court middle-class folks enclosed by California, presumably in 1891, Hamilton programme bad his art as an unneeded in theatre-productions. He enter films at an untimely age, although the definite year remainder unyielding to insist on; he claim to have appear in his starting films at Lubin Company in 1914, but he can be glimpsed in a few surviving Frontier-comedies from the year beforehand. However, it be true that it be in the year of 1914 that he first gain glory, when he teamed aware next to Bud Duncan in Kalem's 'Ham and Bud'-series, one one of the exceedingly first undying funniness team produced in the pictures. The run turned out as expected desirable and gush in advocate of three years, although it can be hard to have a handle on this success for fashionable viewers; by undisputed agreement, the 'Ham and Bud'-films have not aged powerfully and maintain behind of zing for the most cut in the red to the set intellect into Hamilton's motivation as a instrumentalist that they vend. Hamilton not here Kalem for Fox in behind programme 1917, where on earth he appeared by his particular lower than the direction of Henry Lehrman and Jack White. Along with White and another chief who would latter get celebrity as a performer in his own fleck on, Charley Chase, Hamilton developed 'Mermaid Comedies' in 1920, a amount produced section exceptionally staunch to comedy shorts. He appeared in a pure of films complete the subsequent few years; wretchedly, merely a few of these be agreed to be inwardly today, but comedy such as "Moonshine" and "The Simp" (both 1920) authenticate Hamilton's encroachment as a performer during this instance. Indeed, by 1922 he was hail in the grasp as a "great comedy coup" and audience began to bear discern of him. Hamilton's peak identity was something of its own, inherit very few traits of the other leading comedians of the time; tubby and baby-faced conversely he was, his personality was a not fully formed man of personal contrast: he possessed a soupcon of frenzy, thoughtlessness, mindboggling poise and enragement that bequeath him a a little tragic complexion, which in dart back probably made his comedy more glamorous to adults than brood. By the mid-1920s, Hamilton's popularity have grown such a amount that he considered it right to found his own production culture. It was hoarsely this time that he starred in his first feature-length film, "The Darker Self," a film which do not only seem to be fairly loud today due to copious refusal tribal reference, but which in actuality was a catastrophe also when originally released and Hamilton's reputation suffer a bash because of it. He nevertheless produced many dry to the point comedies all through the decade, such as "Move Along" (1926), "Nobody's Business" (1926) and "Somebody's Fault" (1927), copy of which be directed by Norman Taurog. While it may be argue that a few of the films suffer from famine of continuity, they incessantly provide many sensible ocular gag and camera-tricks which not moving label them lovely to view; in spike of fact, in one obsequiousness skiving of continuity suit Hamilton's character well, as his movies are not afterwards often base upon a particular history since him being interminably haunted by discouraging good luck, with one bad class chief able to an even worse situation. Despite being so very amusing on-screen, Hamilton lead a vexing isolated crude life. He was a hard drinker, which utterly exaggerated his family life. His first matrimonial was to actress Ethel Lloyd, five years his upper, which take plop at an early point of his motion see career and last a short time ago a few years; they were removed by 1923, and their divide up cause a two-year long-standing tribulation warfare. He married a second time in 1927 to Irene Dalton, who had appeared in some of his films. Dalton accuse her husband of abuse her out loud and modestly when drunk, and the brace detached after a year. (None of the marriage produced any children.) In the midst of these personal difficulties, Hamilton was quickly disallowed from the screen after a boxer was murder in a street-fight where he was enmeshed; the stand-up comedian was not a suspect, but the liberalism of scandal was minimal in Hollywood at this juncture and he remain on the dole for beyond a year. He hold on into chastisement a comeback in a series of two-reeler's for Mack Sennett at Educational Films in 1929, this time in grumble pictures, which had just done its long-term gateway in the environment. Lloyd had a meek voice which suited his character minus a flaw, but by this time his preoccupied life-style had begin to bring the finer of him. After the creation with Sennett expire, it was rumored that he would begin a unmarked series of two-reeler's for Hal Roach, but being informed of Hamilton's alcoholism, Roach refuse to leasing him. He die unemployed and ailing in 1935, aged 43. During his summarizing length as a idol, Charlie Chaplin is report to have remark that Lloyd Hamilton "is the one thespian of whom I am overprotective," and Charley Chase confess that whenever he had difficulties in doing a scene, he'd always deliberate with himself, "How would Lloyd have done it?" Buster Keaton also expressed grave preference of his pursue, state in a late interview that Hamilton was "one of the funniest man in pictures." Critic and author Walter Kerr, considered by many the most clever energy on silent comedy, discuss his work with great respect and esteem in his 1975-book "The Silent Clowns." However, notwithstanding all laud, Lloyd Hamilton is exceedingly seldom given a introduce today even among silent comedy fan. One central foundation to this is his downhearted lack of surviving efficiency; most of his negative were smashed in a laboratory bushfire at Universal shortly after his annihilation. Happily, a fine circle of his work is in a minute unstated for on DVD through silent comedy specialist "Looser Than Loose."
Birth Notes: Oakland, California, USA
Other Works: Stage actor, screenwriter, and film director.
Birth Name: Hamilton, Lloyd Vernon
Spouse: 'Irene Dalton' (qv) (1927 - 1928) (divorced), 'Ethel Lloyd' (qv) (? - ?) (divorced)
Death Date: 19 January 1935
Birth Date: 19 August 1891

Al St. John (actor)
Articles: "Classic Images" (USA), March 1993, Iss. 213, pg. 48, by: George Katchmer, "Remembering the Great Silents", "Classic Images" (USA), September 1988, Iss. 159, pg. C1, by: P.A. Carayannis, "Additions and Corrections to the Al St. John Filmography", "Classic Images" (USA), June 1988, Iss. 156, pg. 33-37, by: Buck Rainey, "Buck Rainey's Filmographies; Al St. John, From Keystone Kop to Cowboy Sidekick, Part II", "Classic Images" (USA), May 1988, Iss. 155, pg. C3-C4, C7, by: Buck Rainey, "Buck Rainey's Filmographies; Al St. John, From Keystone Kop to Cowboy Sidekick, Part I", "Variety" (USA), 30 January 1963, "Al St. John", "New York Times" (USA), 23 January 1963, pg. 7:5, "Actor in Westerns Is Dead", "Paris and Hollywood" (USA), October 1926, pg. 87, "Dan Cupid's Bulletin Board [married Pearce]", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 19 June 1926, pg. 628, "Al St. John Re-Signed by Educational for Mermaids", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 17 June 1926, pg. 3, "St. John--Pearce", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 16 May 1925, pg. 356, "Hal Roach to Co-Feature Well-Known Fun Makers", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 20 November 1920, pg. 371, "Al St. John Is Now Engaged in Work on the Films of the Fox Sunshine Comedies", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 13 December 1919, pg. 839, "Producers of Comedies Must Have Much Nerve and Some Conscience", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 9 March 1918, pg. 1361, "Why Not Try a Number on the Screen?", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 13 May 1916, pg. 1173, "Al St. John in Triangle Comedy"
Nephew of 'Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle' (qv), Movie legend has it that the "Fuzzy" nickname occurred during the 'Fred Scott (I)' (qv) singing westerns at Spectrum in the 1930s. Apparently the producers were trying to hire 'Fuzzy Knight' (qv), but something happened and St. John was brought in to fulfill the sidekick duties. He was given, or began using, the nickname of "Fuzzy" from then on., He was working with a traveling Wild West show in Georgia and was waiting to go on when he suffered a massive heart attack and died., Daughter Mary Jane with Flo Belle Moore, circa 1918.
Nick Names: Fuzzy
Death Notes: Lyons, Georgia, USA (heart attack)
Silent-film clown who appear contained by dozens of 'Mack Sennett' (qv)'s imprudent Keystone wit and would at the end of the day construct and big name in his substandard vehicle in favour of other studios. With the advent of clamour, he become a persona musician in westerns and latter the bewhiskered sidekick of B-western hero close to 'Buster Crabbe' (qv), 'Robert Livingston (I)' (qv) and 'Lash La Rue' (qv).
Height: 5' 8"
Birth Notes: Santa Ana, California, USA
Salary History: _Prairie Rustlers (1945)_ (qv)::$1000
Other Works: Vaudeville actor.
Birth Name: John, Alfred St.
Spouse: 'June Price Pearce' (30 June 1926 - ?), 'Flo Belle Moore' (5 October 1914 - 19 March 1923) (divorced); 1 child
Death Date: 21 January 1963
Birth Date: 10 September 1893

Doris Deane (actress)
Death Notes: Hollywood, California, USA (found dead: apparent heart attack)
Birth Notes: Wisconsin, USA
Birth Name: Dibble, Doris Anita
Spouse: 'Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle' (qv) (16 May 1925 - August 1928) (divorced), 'Elmer S. Hartz' (27 March 1932 - ?) (divorced)
Death Date: 24 March 1974
Birth Date: 20 January 1900

Edna Marion (actress)
Articles: "Classic Images" (USA), May 1991, Iss. 191, pg. 22, by: George A. Katchmer, "Forgotten Cowboys and Cowgirls--Part XIV", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 21 May 1927, pg. 199, "Hal Roach has Edna Marion Under Contract", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 15 January 1927, pg. 203, "Edna Marion to Continue in Her Comedies", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 16 October 1926, pg. 233`, "Edna Marion Chosen by Wampas", "Cinema Art" (USA), August 1926, Iss. V, pg. 21, "Beauties Who Make the Comedies Attractive [photo]", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 18 July 1925, pg. 354, "Edna Marion Steps Up", "Motion Picture World" (USA), 13 December 1924, pg. 652, "Julius and Abe Stern Pick Four Century Comedy Stars"
Blonde, vivacious actress mainly in silent short comedies for Hal Roach; had pivotal roles in several of Laurel & Hardy's earliest films before leaving Roach in 1928.
Death Notes: Hollywood, California, USA
Height: 5' 1"
Birth Notes: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Birth Name: Hannam, Edna
Spouse: '? Naisbitt' (? - ?)
Death Date: 2 December 1957
Birth Date: 12 December 1906

Addie McPhail (actress)
Mother of Marilyn McPhail (from marriage to Lindsay McPhail), Father was in the insurance business., First husband was songwriter and pianist Lindsay McPhail; they had one daughter, Marilyn., Fatty died of a heart attack while he and Addie were staying at a New York hotel in 1933. Earlier that evening they had been to a restaurant at a party in honor of their first wedding anniversary., Appeared in many short comedies for Universal in the 20s; later unbilled bits., Best known as Roscoe Arbuckle's last wife (1932), Addie tried to revive the comedian's career after the notorious scandal ruined him. They went out together on a vaudeville tour in Canada and were warmly received. Jack Warner offered Fatty a chance to act under his real name again in six successful comedy sound shorts.
Death Notes: Canoga Park, California, USA (natural causes)
Quotes: "I don't believe I ever did anything spectacularly enough in pictures or on stage to be remembered for it. I was like a small ship passing through a rough sea.", "When I reminded Norma Shearer, Caryl Lincoln, Viola Dana, Stepin Fetchit and others who I was, they would always smile and say something good about Roscoe."
Birth Notes: White Plains, Kentucky, USA
Birth Name: Dukes, Addie Oakley
Spouse: 'Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle' (qv) (28 June 1932 - 29 June 1933) (his death), 'Lindsay McPhail' (? - 12 June 1932) (divorced)
Death Date: 14 April 2003
Birth Date: 15 July 1905

Harry D. Edwards (producer)
Death Notes: Los Angeles, California, USA
Death Date: 5 July 1969
Birth Date: 11 April 1888

Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle (writer)
Articles: "Vox" (Hungary), May 2000, Iss. 37, pg. 96, by: Dénes Orosz, "Fatty és a kólásüveg"
Obese comic actor whose career was ended by a scandal., Directed under the name William Goodrich., After his career was ruined, 'Buster Keaton' (qv) personally supported him as repayment for giving him his break into film.

Walter F. Reed (writer)

Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle (director)